Confidently File For The Workers’ Compensation You Deserve

Denver Workers’ Compensation Attorneys For Back Injuries

When you suffer a back injury at work, it can be devastating, affecting every aspect of your life. Whether it’s a herniated disc, an annular tear or a bone fracture, such injuries often require extensive medical treatment and time away from work. While you may have workers’ compensation at your job, you will likely still need legal guidance to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

At The Merkel Law Firm, LLC, we understand the complexities and challenges of these injuries. We are here to help you navigate the workers’ compensation system and secure the benefits you deserve. Our extensive experience in these matters can help you through every stage of your workers’ compensation claim.

Comprehensive Support For Back Injury Claims

We are dedicated to representing injured workers throughout Denver and the surrounding communities. Our focus is solely on workers’ compensation cases, ensuring that our clients receive the specialized attention they need. Our experienced workers’ compensation attorneys, Penny Merkel and Jody Merkel, are dedicated to defending injured workers throughout the Denver area and have the skills and knowledge necessary to help you pursue the ideal outcome in your situation.

Back injuries can lead to a cascade of health issues, including chronic pain and disability. These injuries often occur due to falls, heavy lifting or repetitive strain at work. The consequences can be severe, potentially resulting in permanent disability. As we guide you through your compensation process, we work tirelessly to ensure that your injury is properly reported to your employer, you are receiving sufficient medical care and all of your compensation paperwork is properly completed. We are here to maximize the compensation you receive for your injuries and minimize the time it takes to receive that compensation.

Our Lawyers Are Here For You

Our firm is passionate about defending your rights under Colorado’s workers’ compensation laws. When you call us, you will speak directly with an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer who will provide personalized advice and support.

Call us at 303-276-8665 or email us here to schedule your initial consultation with us today.